Connected Finances

Simplify your finances with NetSuite Advanced Financials.

At Klugo, we can help you tailor NetSuite Advanced Financials to suit your business needs. This tool brings extra financial management features to NetSuite, making budgeting, expense management, and tracking non-financial data simpler and more efficient.

Key Features and Benefits.

  • Manage Multiple Budgets: Easily handle multiple budgets and keep an eye on your spending in real time. This helps you stay on track and avoid surprises.
  • Allocate Expenses Simply: You can allocate expenses by account, department, or location. This means everyone knows where the money is going, making team coordination easier.
  • Link Amortisation Schedules: Connect amortisation schedules to bills, jobs, and more so you can spread out costs over time without hassle.
  • Track Non-Financial Data: Store important non-financial data like headcount or floor space, making decision-making more informed and ensuring your financial activities match your business needs.

With NetSuite Advanced Financials, your finance team can automate billing processes and cut down on manual work. You can set up custom billing schedules and templates and create invoices automatically. This keeps your billing accurate and timely, making it easier for everyone involved.

Benefits of Leveraging Technology.

Digitise Your Budget Management.
Track and manage budgets effortlessly. Enter budgets on a single screen, copy budgets quickly, or create them in Excel and import them. Having multiple budgets allows for better planning and forecasting.

Simplify Expense Allocations.
Enter expenses without assigning them right away and allocate them later. This flexibility helps teams work better together and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Automate Amortisation.
Automate the spread of expenses over time, which helps in planning and keeps finances smooth. Linking these schedules to jobs ensures costs match progress, making team coordination easier.

Use Statistical Accounts.
Store and use key non-financial data. This helps allocate costs proportionately and supports better decision-making.

Culture Change, Adoption, and Solution Partners.

Embracing NetSuite Advanced Financials isn’t just about the technology; it’s about changing how your team works together. Klugo can guide you through this transformation, ensuring everyone adopts the new system smoothly. We help you:

  • Simplify Processes. Make your financial management straightforward and less time-consuming.
  • Connect Teams. Improve communication and coordination across departments.
  • Drive Adoption. Ensure everyone understands and uses the new tools effectively.
  • Support Cultural Change. Foster a culture that embraces new technology and ways of working.

Partnering with Klugo means you get a solution that fits your business perfectly, with ongoing support to make sure it works for you.

Client Testimonials

“We asked Klugo to think creatively, and together, we solved the NetSuite setup; it was a massive win for us. Our account managers can be out there in the community instead of sitting behind a computer inputting orders.”
Ellie Davidson
Operations Manager, TLA Merchandise
“Klugo tailored NetSuite to the needs of a machinery manufacturer, now it’s a task-driven application that suits our purposes brilliantly. We were able to reduce our customers’ wait time for deliveries and save on transportation costs.”
Jay Chirnside
General Manager, Kerfab
“Klugo were flexible and professional, supporting us in our hour of need. They enabled us to onboard a whole remote finance team and ensure continuity. I look forward to working with them to optimise dashboards and reporting so we can work smarter, not harder.”
Nigel Dearing
CEO, Nuffield Group